Results of CAFÉ
The CAFÉ researchers and advisory group,
including consumer representatives from PPIRes (Patient and Public
Involvement in Research) and Age Concern
Norfolk, have:
- Published the following academic paper: Lane, K, Poland, F, Fleming, S, Lambert, N, Macdonald, H, Potter, J, Raats, M, Skidmore, P, Vince, C, Wellings, A and Hooper, L (2013) Older women's reduced contact with food in the Changes Around Food Experience (CAFE) study: choices, adaptations and dynamism. Ageing and Society. pp. 1-25. ISSN 0144-686X. For the journal article see here, the full text article is available here (
- Sent results leaflets out to all CAFÉ participants, to Norfolk lunch clubs, sheltered housing and day centres involved in CAFÉ recruitment, to 250 delegates at a Norfolk POPPs (Partnerships for Older People Projects) meeting, and (via an Age Concern Norfolk mailing) to 530 interested Norfolk organisations. Download the Results of CAFÉ leaflet (in 2 parts): part 1 and part 2
- Published a research paper on some of the CAFE results: New
tricks? Older women’s expertise in the kitchen: some findings
from the CAFE Study. Lane K, Poland F, Hooper L.
Generations Review. 2010; 20(1).
Click here to view the paper.
- CAFÉ was highlighted by Kathleen Lane in UEA’s 50th Anniversary 1963 to 2013 Souvenir Magazine, on page 10.
- Submitted our final report to the ESRC. If you would like to read this report it is available on the ESRC CAFE website or download the short report or the technical report.
- Provided details about CAFÉ on this website (,
plus that of the
Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)
- Data from CAFE can be used by others for academic purposes, see "Hooper, L., Changes Around Food Experience: Impact of Reduced Contact with Food on the Social Engagement and Well-Being of Older Women, 2007-2008 [computer file]. Colchester, Essex: UK Data Archive [distributor], May 2011. SN: 6524," The data set can be accessed via the Economic and Social Data Service website at:
In addition we have discussed the CAFE research in many different contexts:
- Discussed CAFÉ at three conferences - the British Society for
Gerontology 2007, 'Transforming Care' in Copenhagen,
June 2008, and the British Society for Gerontology 2008.
- Written and submitted one full academic paper, with several more
in preparation.
- Used information from CAFÉ in teaching medical
undergraduates at the University of East Anglia.
- Offered the example of CAFÉ in promotion of patient and public
involvement in research, at a seminar held by PPIRes in February
2008, as a study with coherent user involvement from inception to
- Been involved in several local newspaper articles and radio interviews.
Policy development
We have fed CAFÉ’s results into Norfolk County Councils ‘More
Choices, Better Choices’ consultation on service provision for older
people, into Norfolk-wide planning via Hilary McDonald of Age
Concern Norfolk (advisory team member), and our presentation at
‘Transforming Care’ (Copenhagen, June 2008) widened CAFÉ’s impact
beyond Norfolk.

Kathleen presenting very initial results of CAFÉ to the British
Society for Gerontology meeting in Sheffield on 7th September 2007.